
Showing posts from January, 2023

A Bright Spot

I am having trouble picking just one bright spot as I have been given some great opportunities over the last few years to observe numerous bright spots in technology.  A few years ago, we had an assistant principal who knew that I was pursuing an EdTech endorsement and also knew that our school was a bit behind the times with technology. He formed a committee to bring a MakerSpace to our school. After securing the funding and bringing some great technology to our school, we were still struggling to get people to use the new technology since we have no tech integrationist at our school and, as we know,"change is hard".  After offering a bunch of after school workshops on how to use the new technology with little to no attendance, he came up with a new plan. This plan was to make me the "bright spot" in our school. He knew that I was open to using new technology but definitely not confident with my skills in technology. He also knew that I see every class in the schoo...

A Leader I Admire

 I have worked for many different administrators over the years and have seen a variety of strengths and weaknesses among them. I have never respected one quite as much as the one that I currently work with and for.  He works hard to make his staff feel respected and appreciated.  He became an administrator during the pandemic and was introduced to his leadership position at the craziest of times. I know that he was alternating between providing support to teachers who were worried for their own health and safety, and trying to work with parents who were opposed to our masking policy. Meanwhile, he was spending weekends contact tracing. I can't imagine the hours that he put in. Some days he would look more tired than others, but he continued to be ready to drop everything to listen and offer support if one of his teachers was struggling. I received multiple hand written notes from him to thank me when I did anything extra, making it clear that he was noticing every little...

The Reluctant Leader

I am a reluctant leader. I prefer to be more of a cheerleader and support person for those who are in the leadership roles. That being said, I have reluctantly taken on some leadership roles.  As the only librarian in my school, I chaired the committee last year when we were awarded the Year of the Book grant from the Children's Literacy Foundation. That was a whole year of organizing monthly events and author visits. My approach was to recruit the most brilliant minds among our staff, pick their brains, choose the best ideas and then divvy up the responsibilities. It felt very awkward to me but I had an amazing group of teachers, administrators and parents so it all worked out well, I think. I have been a mentor for a few years now at my school. I was sweet-talked into taking on the role a number of years ago. Our principal at the time said that the new teacher needed a mentor who had success with building positive relationships with all the families in our community and he though...

Why this sequence of courses is taking me SO long...

In 2010 I became a school librarian. After spending over a decade as a special educator, I was blissfully happy to have landed a job as a librarian. I had completed my masters degree and was ready to relax and enjoy this new gig. A year or two into this new job, I attended an alumni event and was introduced to a fellow Lyndon alum who was working as a school administrator. When I mentioned that I was working as a school librarian, he asked me if I had my tech integration endorsement and proceeded to tell me that his district only hires librarians with that endorsement.  So... in 2013, I took "Inquiry and Technology". It was amazing and inspiring and a little bit overwhelming. I walked away with one of the best units that I've ever taught.  In 2014, I took the next course in the sequence.  This course was called "Differentiating Instruction with Technology". It was also good. Then life started to interfere... in a good way. In 2015, I got married. After many year...